Atkore International Group distributes all manufactures the race by-products. It offers Steel, PVC, or different kind of product that is highly used. The company was started in 1959. Those who want to invest, Atkore, can be the best platform to do so. You should invest wisely by getting the right strategies or plans.
Stock summary
- Atkore International Group Inc’s capital turnover a proportion of income comparative with investor’s value is better than 92.13% of US recorded stocks.
- ATKR’s opened up to the world 4.18 years back, making it more seasoned than only 15.11% of recorded US stocks we’re following.
- ATKR’s value multiplier a proportion of advantages comparative with shareholders equity is more prominent than that of 79.61% of US stocks.
- Stocks with comparable financial measurements, showcase capitalization, and price instability to Atkore International Group Inc. are PATK, CELP, TSE, REVG, and MLI.
Prices forecast valuation
The table demonstrates the output of the actual stock prices for Atkore. When it comes to summarizing, Atkore is ranked in the 70th percentile of the potential gain. As per resources, all the scenarios of the model have been prepared, or it is forecasted that it provides positive returns to all the investors.
- Atkore International Group Inc’s weighted normal expense of capital WACC is 7%; for setting, that number is higher than only 6.54% of tickers in our DCF set.
- Atkore International Group Inc’s advantage inclusion rate – a proportion of gross earnings comparative with premium installments – comes in at 5.42. This inclusion rate is more prominent than that of 64.03% of stocks you’re watching to figure using limited incomes.
- Comparative with different stocks in its area Industrials, Atkore International Group Inc. has a dependence on obligation more noteworthy than 63.74% of them.
Volume stats
The current price of the stock is 30.77$. The previous closing amount is 31.15$. It is the actual pricing of NYSE: ATKR at that you can choose to invest, but according to the estimation, it is profitable to invest in these stocks.
Price chart
One can analyze the price chart that will provide all details about the actual pricing factors. Once you recognize the price chart, you can consider all the details from the last date to right now. You can consider all the prices of the last investment of previous investors.
The rating chart has proved very beneficial when it comes to recognizing the previous prices of records of the company. It speaks about the last performance of the company NYSE: ATKR in the markets that want to invest with Atkore. You can do stock trading from the stock app with day trading options function.
Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.